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Aguafuerte Gallery  celebrates its XV Anniversary in resistance and evolution. Celebrate with a great exhibition of international and local artists, open from November 3 to December 7 - 2021.


In the midst of a health and economic crisis,  Aguafuerte Gallery celebrates its XV anniversary without having stopped operations. We managed to move forward thanks to the use of digital tools. While it was not possible for us to open the gallery we were using microspheres of  maximum 10 visitors, that we received with a welcome cocktail and all the security measures.

The average lifespan of galleries in Mexico is 2 years,  in which cultural entrepreneurs give up due to lack of cash flow, and in 2020 sadly many of them did not survive, however Aguafuerte Gallery, which bets on controversial topics and support artists that are not received in other galleries, has managed to stay open and has even grown to have two more venues in recent years.


Israel Alvarado, director and curator of the cultural space, attributes it to the gallery's social commitment to art and artists 

“I consider that a gallery invigorates the cultural life of the place where it is located and Aguafuerte has a social vocation in everything it undertakes. It has been a privilege for me to be able to promote artists who today have outstanding careers. Also to be able to expose on topics of social relevance and inclusive discourses. The public of the Gallery is critical and participatory ”. 

We are a gallery that exhibits art without restrictions, on local and global issues.

This XV Anniversary celebrates it with a great exhibition,  present in the month of November 2021, there will be works by Nahum B. Zenil, Gabriel Macotela, Jazzamoart, Flor Minor, Fernando Andriacci, Leonardo Nierman, Eloy Tarcisio, Rocio Caballero, Fabían Chaírez, Pablo Maire, Kylla Piqueras and other important invited artists they can be enjoyed not only physically in its three venues, but also virtually on this page and on social networks.

Israel Alvarado reminds us that the gallery opened in 2005  as a space dedicated exclusively to emerging artists who could not find a venue to exhibit, and has resisted and evolved during all these years overcoming all kinds of difficulties. It has allowed and promote the formation of art enthusiasts as new art collectors.

Despite the vicissitudes of previous years, the pandemic and the economic crisis, the gallery has known how to adapt to resist and continue, approaching day by day new audiences attracted by novel proposals. Without a doubt, Aguafuerte is the gallery with the most life in Mexico, for the last 15 years it has offered countless activities, including exhibitions, art workshops, book presentations and auctions, with the participation of more than a thousand artists from Mexico and a score of countries. we have made multiple extramural exhibitions not only in Mexico, but also in different countries.

In addition to temporary exhibitions, Aguafuerte gallery has been dedicated to build an  important collection of art - works by artists such as Carrington, Gustave Courbet, Coronel, Cuevas, Toledo, Felguérez, Tamayo, Mérida, among others.  The variety of works, techniques and prices allows people who visit the gallery physically or virtually to collect pieces within the reach of their budget.

Its main headquarters are located in CDMX in the heart of Colonia Roma and constitutes a point of reference for art in the city,

it has offices in Val´Quirico and soon in San Miguel de Allende.

To visit the exhibition it is necessary to reserve by sending an email to




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